Friday, November 30, 2012

A rainy day on the water. We had a boat load of school kids out on a Floating Lab trip and we caught a baby Black Seabass in our net! So cool. We called our friends at Cabrillo Marine Aquarium in San Pedro came out and took him to his new home. Kinda cool, only the 2nd time I've ever found one of these little guys. They are endangered from overfishing. You can see from the pic above how big they can get.

You never know what you'll find...
Capt. Carl

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Let Gray Whale season begin! It's been great lately with Fin Whales, Minke Whales, Common Dolphins, Bottlenose Dolphins, and Risso's Dolphins. But today a Gray Whale showed up! Woohoo!

Capt. Carl

Sunday, November 18, 2012

A cold and rainy day on the water yesterday, but life was everywhere. Market squid and Bonaparte's gulls were having a feeding frenzy on krill. On our first trip we saw 3 Fin Whales and 1 Blue Whale. On our second trips we had 6 Fin Whales, all surface lunge feeding. It was one of those special days on the water that few people ever get to experience.
Capt. Carl

Friday, November 16, 2012


Another amazing day, starting with a Floating Lab, then Whale Watches. We found over a thousand Common Dolphins, 2 Fin Whales, 2 (maybe 3) Minke Whales, and 2 Blue Whales. We had surface lunge feeding from both the Fins and the Blues. The second Blue hung around until the sun went down. Wow.
Capt. Carl

Thursday, November 15, 2012

We started out the day with a great LASD Floating Lab trip, we had a great catch (later released) today of lizard fish, halibut, swimming crabs, and a HUGE sea star. The kids also did a plankton tow and got a sediment sample. Later we did a couple whale/dolphin watch trips with hundreds of dolphins.

Capt. Carl

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

It has been hectic...lots of trips to Catalina, kids Floating Lab Marine Science trips, over a thousand dolphins every day, including Commons, Risso's, Offshore Bottlenose, and Coastal Bottlenose. Baleen whales have been hard to find, but we've had Fins and Minkes. Molas have been here every day. A visit from White Pelicans was an unexpected treat. Also the winter bird crew has shown up with Surf Scoter, Western Grebes, Eared Grebes, Pie Billed Grebes, Reddish Egrets, plus all the usuals, too many to list.
Capt. Carl